L’Après-Doom Ythac and I sat on a massive concrete bunker sort of thing, so we could tower effectively over the defendants: Tultamaan, Itharieth, Yarenton. Most of the rest of the remaining Exploring...
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“Well, they all did it together,” I said in a conversational register to Ythac. “I like trying dragons better than hovens — dragons own their crimes, take honor in them, and do not conceal them.”...
View ArticleThe Restoral of Kurbin-da-Brodief
The Restoral of Kurbin-da-Brodief Itharieth presented himself at the castle of the dragons who ruled Zelmary (one of the less civilized parts of Chiriact), offering them a modest tribute as is suitable...
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Kurbin-da-Brodief was kept in a small cell, with no amenities or recreations, “Not even a bucket for excretion; she did not use it. We need to hose the cell out every day, and her too. We use warm...
View ArticleThe Restoration of Ystron-Mhavrieth
The Restoration of Ystron-Mhavrieth When Jaraswat’s crate was unpacked, a small and well-shielded niobium casket proved to contain a dragon-shaped sweater with a grand of neck-holes indicating as many...
View ArticleThe Restoration of Ystron-Mhavrieth
The Restoration of Ystron-Mhavrieth When Jaraswat’s crate was unpacked, a small and well-shielded niobium casket proved to contain a dragon-shaped sweater with a grand of neck-holes indicating as many...
View ArticleThe Obvious Arrangement
The Obvious Arrangement Itharieth and Psajathrion were flying wings-and-wings over the Khamrou mountains on Trest. And Itharieth said, “I have a request to make of you, Psajathrion, and I hope you will...
View ArticleStranded on Eleer
Stranded on Eleer «I have terrible news for you,» I told Vaareng. «A vast monster arose and destroyed the base camp. Two dragons are dead, and the rest are fled back to Hove. And the portals are...
View ArticleStranded On Eleer, 2
“So we are agreed, that we shall conquer Eleer and rule it, as four equal kings, each with primacy over a quarter of the world in case disputes arise,” said Vaareng in summary. The other three...
View ArticleBreeding Program
Breeding Program “The eleg are stupid,” said Nrusco. “This has been noticed already,” said Vaareng. “Your simple proclamation does not do justice to the full matter. The eleg are not simply stupid....
View ArticleRomance among Drakes
Romance among Drakes Mirinxan found Vaareng alone on a hilltop, eating a large breath-broiled beast. “Vaareng!” he called, circling above him. “I have for you a question!” Vaareng looked up. “Perhaps I...
View ArticleThe Final Judgment
The Final Judgment “Well, that didn’t go nearly as badly as I was expecting,” said Quel Quen, when all things had been discussed and analyzed and understood. “When are the survivors going back out?”...
View ArticleNext?
So, next — I don’t have any more Mating Flight / astral dragon books ready to go. I could serialize the novella “Pawns of the Robot Goddess”, which is pretty decent except that I am not nearly mean...
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