Roroku and Ro-Ro-Ku (102/170)
Roroku and Ro-Ro-Ku «Kysps are very strange about getting married,» Roroku wrote. «Oh, dear. What do they do about it?» I asked. «Well. First of all there’s nothing like drakes and dragonesses. Kysps...
View ArticleDivorce among Astral Dragons (103/170)
«Jyothky … Can I get a divorce?» Which is to say, Jyothky, everything I have been doing for three duodecades has been a mistake, starting with that time I insulted you dreadfully at your coming-of-age...
View ArticleCourse of Miracles (104/170)
A And, like most miracles, none of these is the least bit miraculous. Tenasense, or, the Miracle of the Spar Tenasense is one of our basic senses. It is the direct perception of structural integrity....
View ArticleAnalysis; or The Miracle of the Melons (106/170)
Analysis; or The Miracle of the Melons Dze-Ts-Kwy and Ro-Ro-Ku went shopping in the larger Nwa-Bher market, in front of one of the many fruit stands. “Let’s get a chwe melon!” said the native. “Or two,...
View ArticleScent and Strength; or The Miracle of the Oven
Scent and Strength; or The Miracle of the Oven A cooking-oven on Kyspert is a complex thing. An inner barrel made of thin metal provides a place for foods to go. Outside of that are the levity pods of...
View ArticleMiracle of the Stove, 2 (107/170)
After doctor Naw-Fan performed her examinations of Ro-Ro-Ku (which were perfectly normal again), and dined, and left, and after Ka-Twu-Thu and Dze-Ts-Kwy were asleep in a tangle of legs and tails,...
View ArticleCombat; or the Miracle of the Pirates (108/170)
Combat; or the Miracle of the Pirates The next day, the Twinkling Jenny came to Nwa-Bher. (Strictly, it was called the Twinkling Dze-Ts-Kwy, but as a matter of literary politeness to our hostess with...
View ArticleEconomics of Roroku (109/170)
Economics of Roroku Roroku and Jaraswat “Ah, the quarliq queen returns to grace us with her oh-so-feminine yet oh-so-researchful presence!” hissed Jaraswat. “A mere commoner-style six days suffices for...
View ArticleEconomics of Roroku 2 (110/170)
Roroku and Gyovanth Roroku crept into the hangar she shared with Gyovanth, and fussed around a bit. In moments, Gyovanth swatted the door open with his tail, and stomped in. “Eighteen days my wife is...
View ArticleEconomics of Roroku 3 (111/170)
Roroku and Vaareng Roroku clattered her claws shyly on a hangar wall. “Vaareng? Are you within?” A massive orange and black head with scowly barbels and a spiky ridge extended from the door. “Yes, I...
View ArticleEconomics of Roroku 4 (112/170)
Roroku and Everyone The hhejŝṧhyant and portal were in another hangar; Base Camp was all hangars. A half-dozen dragons were there when Roroku arrived: it was rarely fewer and generally more. Roroku...
View ArticleRoroku’s Mêlée (114/170)
In the portal room, the mélée had gotten quite out of hand. Jaraswat, Gyovanth, and a rather perplexed and rather proud Vaareng were biting chunks out of each other and crushing each others’ bones in...
View ArticleBehind the Mintwall Shield (114/170)
After erecting the Mintwall, Roroku raced at her greatest speed through the portal, ripping the sides with her the Scratch-the-Sky. And when she came to the other end, on Kyspert, she struck the...
View ArticleGyovanth vs. Roroku, last round (115/170)
Gyovanth did not generally carry a nyxylith, but he snagged one from Mirinxan, who was on duty that week. «Jyothky! You must relay this urgent message to my wife!» «Messages to Roroku are not urgent...
View ArticleRoroku vs. Gyovanth, last round, part 2
So Roroku and I were spared the “You must come home!” conversation. So here’s the conversation they did have, instead. Me: «As far as I’m concerned, I now proclaim both of you, officially divorced and...
View ArticleDisposing of Gyovanth
Disposing of Gyovanth The next morning, at Base Camp, an exasperated and underslept Gyovanth leapt upon Vaareng, in a brutal and vicious surprise attack. Actually, it was no surprise at all. Vaareng...
View ArticleDisposing More of Gyovanth
Tultamaan: “So, then, why did you feel it worthwhile to assault Vaareng? As I understand your Position in this Expedition, you are a Guard. I flatter myself to say that I understand your Position very...
View ArticleKangaroo
Tultamaan: “And now we resume. There is one further matter.” Gyovanth: “What sort of ridiculous trumped-up charge are you going to kangaroo me with next?” Tultamaan: “Your Determined and Forceful...
View ArticleGyovanth in the Courts of Hove
Gyovanth in the Courts of Hove In due time, which was just under two weeks, Gyovanth did appeal to Ythac, demanding all his last treasures back (including the magic rings that Roroku had taken to...
View ArticleGyovanth in the Courts of Hove 2
“Very well. As it happens, I do think they tricked you and cheated you,” I said. He looked confusedly hopeful for the first time that day. “Not unlawfully, as I estimate these things. Dragons have...
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